
Monday, 27 April 2020

Anzac biscuits

Anzac biscuits 
For Anzac day my mum and I made some
Anzac biscuits.
The recipe was supposed to make 36,
but for us it made 12
so they were 3× bigger.
Here are the steps that we used.

The first step was to gather all ingredients.
100g butter, 1 tablespoon of golden syrup,
½ cup sugar, 1 egg
, ¾ cup coconut, ¾ cup rolled oats,
¾ cup of plain baking flour
, 1 teaspoon baking soda and finally
1 tablespoon of hot water.
melt the butter and the syrup in a large saucepan.
Now let it cool
Now add the sugar, coconut, rolled oats and flour together.
Next dissolve the baking soda in water and then mix it in.
Now get a teaspoon and place balls of the mixture onto a
greased oven tray. 
After that squish them down with a fork to make them
flatter but not no flat because then they will go black.
Finally bake them at 180c for 15 minutes or
until they are golden.

Reflection: Personally I think that we did a great job
seeing as they
tasted delicious all though we could have made more
if we had a
bigger oven tray and a bigger oven.
Thank you for reading my blog post.

(Im not sure why but it wont let me make the table the right size, if you think you know
how to fix it or you have any suggestions please leave them in the comments.
Thanks in advance.)


  1. Hi Charlie, I made Anzac biscuits on Anzac Day too. Mine were a bit like yours, they all spread into each other. They are a bit chewy, but still really Yum. I am sorry I don't know hoe to make the table the right size. This might be something Mr Pickard or Whaea Meg would be able to help you with.

  2. Kia ora Charlie,
    Those biscuits look very nice and are making me very hungry for ANZAC biscuits. You have given great detailed instructions on how to make them. I am not a very good cook but I think I could follow your clear instructions. I just don't like having to clean up my mess I make after cooking.
    To change the table did you have a look in the HTML and change the size in there?
    Keep up the great learning you are doing at home. I look forward to reading more of your posts.
    Whaea Donna

  3. Hi Charlie! I really like your clear directions, well done. Your cookies (as we say) look delicious.
