
Thursday, 28 November 2019

Symmetrical drawing

Today we had to make a picture using google draw and make it symmetrical. It was quite easy and fun, I created a monster of some kind with a house on a mountain. Here it is.
Reflection: I personally think this is great since you are quite limited on google draw.
What do you think about it?

Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Shapes Of Symmetry

This week in Manuka, we were learning how to identify a shape as symmetric or asymmetric. After we learnt how to do this we started to make Logos with either the letters of our name or our product for market day. I made my logo out of my name, it has one line of vertical symmetry. The letters are my initials turned side ways. The wings represent free time in class but since they are barely attached it means that we don’t get any free time really.
I think that my logo is quite good but since we were hand drawing it’s not completely the same.
Also the lines aren't very straight.

Friday, 15 November 2019

Maniakalani Film Festival

Maniakalani Film Festival
Today we was North-lands first time have a film festival. Although I was not part of the film selected for viewing  I was pulled out of a hat to go and view all of the movies. There were eight schools that were in it and each school had two movies each movie was 2-5 minutes long, so in total it was about 25 minutes of movies. It was hosted at Teahu center. The journey from school was about 45 minutes there and back. But I was occupied playing with the person sitting next to me, Isaiah. Once we got there there was a red carpet with the golden bars next to them, it was  like Hollywood. Once we entered the building we were taken into the theater, we were taken to a row an I was right in the perfect place. Each movie was amazing to watch, I loved them all. We were getting ready to go but then I noticed one of my old teachers which was quite interesting. On the way back to school we passed MacDonald's and an ice cream store, as much as the kids begged, the teachers didn't listen.

I feel like this was a great opportunity for kids of ages ranging from 9-12 to get a chance at movie making, I feel that movie making inspires creativity and can create wonderful things.

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Market day learning

Last week at Oruaiti school we had a special guest, her name is Mel. She works for many company's by making advertisements. She told us a funny story one of cokes employees, said employee had created a new flavor idea it was a mix between  cranberry and Apple, he called it Crapple. When it was presented every one laughed like it was a joke. Mel also taught us to
-Not to use Jargon (Our personal words)
-Work out your target market
-know your competition
-Use bold words for advertising
And more but those stuck out to me.

For market day I am going to be a photographer. Im going to have a set and take Christ Mas themed photos for family's. I have props to use and my brother a semi professional photographer might help me if he wants. 
My Action plan
1. Set aside what props I will use.
2. Decide were I will work.
3. Decide  which phone to use.
4. Ask my brother if he wants to help.
5. Prepare a back drop.
If you have any feed back for me to change about this please tell me in the comments.

Monday, 4 November 2019

Community unity

This week in Manuka class we have created community boards with funny things on it.
Heres mine.
Reflection: I think that it was easy and fun. I also think that I did a good job at adding little  jokes also can you fin the secrete Easter egg. Hint: Wood
If you would like to try out the links go to the original at Click me to try out the links